The Purpose Of Boundaries

November 6, 2015

Let’s talk about boundaries. Often the purpose of boundaries gets lost by the manner in which we create them. We tend to focus on the boundary itself—a wall that is often built around us based on resentment from exhaustion and depletion. We often hurt the person on the other side of that boundary too, which complicates things even more by creating a stressful dynamic between us. We can also accidentally shut out our Guides, Angels, and God’s Light if the ring we place around ourselves is too strong.

The purpose of boundaries is to replenish us—to bring us back to Mother and Father God and back in touch with our own soul light. A boundary separates us from those around us so that we can center ourselves and get cleared out and grounded. We need boundaries when we have given away too much of our light and life force to other human beings.

One way to know if we need a boundary is if we are feeling depleted or resentful. If we train ourselves to quickly recognize these symptoms, then we can move straight into healing ourselves which in turn creates the healthy boundary. This way, we don’t lash out at others in anger, but instead begin happily working away at solving what it is we need.

So, instead of using a sharp tongue towards someone when you are tired and have a million things to do, simply turn to your loved one and say, “Will you do these dishes for me and feed the pets? I just need to be alone with God for a few minutes.” Then, walk away from the situation or person that is overwhelming or frustrating you. You can go outside in the yard or go sit in a chair in the bedroom. Open your hands, close your eyes and talk to Source. You can say, “Please help me.” You can release the stress by having a good cry or taking deep breaths. Then, with the black and grey energy of stress moved out of the way, you can easily fill yourself with God’s light by simply saying, “Fill me.” Breathe, sway, or open your hands and receive the feeling of support. The light will begin to pour into you, filling not only your body, but also all of the layers around you which then build a nice cushion of light that naturally protects you. This is a healthy boundary.

When you feel a little better, stand up, go back out, and say to your loved ones, “Thanks! You’re the best. I feel better!” And in that moment all of the Love that is overflowing from you from Source also gets poured into those around you and they too feel better.