The Healing Daze

written: April 12, 2024

As I sent these waves of light, it felt like we were all handling so many stressful responsibilities. It was as if we were in a game to test exactly how many tasks we could handle without losing our connection to the light. The Wednesday Wave is a light flood all day long, but the Thursday/Friday Follow up waves are to put it to the test! 

Speaking of Wednesday, when I spend the whole day sending light, it’s like I have a huge bubble, or energy field. It reminds me of carrying a lake around with me, only it’s made of soft yellow-white light. Anyone standing near me is in that energy. On Wednesday, I walked to the tiny, local coffee shop on one of my breaks. One man was sitting and one was standing about one yard beside me. The barista called out the names of their drinks and set each on the counter right in front of each man. Neither of them moved. They just stared. I ordered. And then, the barista, looking confused, announced their drinks again. This coffee shop is so quiet, that you can’t even have a personal conversation in it unless you want everyone to hear your every word. Suddenly, both men seemed to snap out of a daze, activate, and looking startled, took their drinks. The barista gave me a look like, “Strannnnge.” 

Here is what I do to balance out massive amounts of healing energy. I do chores. Haha, it’s that simple. I vacuum, swifter, wash dishes, take out the trash, compost, and recycling, walk again, walk to the market, walk again, dust, water plants…anything that does not take thought, but is an easy physical task. We think that we have to make time to do our chores, but really, we need our chores as little breaks in the bigger work we are doing so that we stay healthy, happy, and clear. 

Speaking of which, have a great weekend! Do some grounding things. Get out and about. Walk and talk among people. Lie around. Play. Move your body. And I’ll “see” you next week!

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