Love Is Here

April 10, 2024

When I was in middle school my parents moved our family to a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere in West Virginia. I was really shy, but because I was the new girl in a tiny country school, I was instantly famous. The farm kids nicknamed me “antenna” and “string bean.” I actually liked my nicknames; they felt like love to me. I was super skinny and yep, I’m an antenna for the Divine Light. And that’s what I do to this day in the group waves. I spend the day calling in and sending out the light waves. 

In our daily lives, we have so many emails, calls, and texts to respond to, so many errands and chores, work to do, and relationships to nurture, that we typically move from one task to another from morning to night. The group wave is this bizarre day where I take the entire day to call in our team of Angels.

Even when we take the time to visualize what earthly things we want to manifest, it’s not the same as only focusing higher on the Light and pulling it in around us. When I show up to bring in the light waves, I let go of all of the tiny energetic ties from the bookkeeper, the tax ladies, the realtor, the tech help, and the friends and family, to focus upward and in front of me to call in the Light. That’s when large beings of white light show up in a crowd, facing me, ready to work. Then, they dissolve into pure, soft, yellow-white light that floods and moves around us. It feels like extreme love. 

Without this team, it is pretty hard to manifest and pull off all that we need and want to do. But we’re so busy trying to get it all done on our own, that we forget, or don’t have any energy or time left to build up the Light and call in the Angels. Thus the importance of the Group Wave day.  

1st wave: 10:15 – 11:21 a.m. PST 

After the second wave, I wrote in my Instagram story that we are a channel of light between heaven and earth because this 2nd wave was a deep dive into the murky murk. The Light has to travel from our crown vortex down through our body to the ground, but we have physical ailments and heavy emotions to clear on the way down through. The light moves more slowly as it clears a path through us. 

1:22 – 2:09 p.m. PST

By the 3rd wave, we were like light warriors, lit up and strong like the Angels. To me, this is the goal. Even if you are sick in bed or in physical pain, you can envision yourself as a powerful being of light, and get well more quickly. To make changes in the world, we need to embody this light. 

3:35 – 4:05 p.m. PST 

I got so many detailed texts from many of you today explaining the miracles that were happening as you moved through very stressful things. Often miracles happen in times of crisis, so don’t waste time in fear about what may come. When life gets crazy, the Angels dive in to save us. 

One of you told me a story of extreme clarity today in a major family health crisis. The Light reveals answers when we think there is no way through. You are not alone. There is a whole team ready to help you. 

Thank you for bringing your love and your light. 

The Angels hear us. 

They have shown up to help us. 

If anyone needs more support this week, here is the link to the follow-up days. (One wave each morning.) 

Thursday and Friday Follow Up Waves