Speak Up Speak Out

written: April 19th, 2024

This theme of speaking out keeps coming up in these group clearings. A perfect example of why people don’t speak up was shown to me this morning. When I put in yet another maintenance request for the ancient call box at the front of our building, the owners and new management wanted me to get a new phone instead of replacing their call box—gaslighting at its finest. But you know how I love a challenge like that. So, I spoke to 14 people in the building—because you know how I love community. I proudly put together a letter showing that none of them get calls from the call box—I am just the only one who says anything. However, one woman was afraid to put her name on my list. Her reasoning was that if, someday, in the future, they raise her rent because she complained about the “expensive” broken call box? Wow. To live in fear of what the future may hold, and to try to manipulate upcoming events like that, really stunts the flow of energy and power and voice in the moment. What a tangled web we weave instead of just stating the obvious and letting things play out as they will.

So, let’s not be afraid. 

Face what comes. 

Be bold.

Be brave. 

Speak out. 

Speak up. 

Let the future come! 

Let time move. 

Let yourself grow. 

Let change happen. 

But keep your throat energy unclogged. 

Speak and live.  

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