He Has Risen

I am writing this letter on April 1st as I remember my father’s passing on this day, April 1, 2021. 

What do I feel? 

Bliss. Peace. Calm. Happy. 


Because he is risen. 

Dad seemed very healthy and was enjoying his alone time and the slower lifestyle of the pandemic. He was feeling a new-found freedom as the world shut down. One evening, on the phone, he said, “You know that phrase, ‘Dance as if nobody’s watching?’ Something came over me and I danced and moved in a way that I could never do again if I tried.” He said, “I don’t know how I was doing it!” He shared this with me because he knows how I love to dance alone, to let my spirit express divine joy. But to give you a clearer picture, Dad was a very masculine, muscular, cool guy so for his body to twist, leap, bend and reach, must have been amazing! 

We both shared a love for modern Christian music, so I often sent him YouTube videos of young Christian bands who were bringing the house down in live concerts and praise. He would watch these and ask me, “Do you think they really felt the Holy Spirit or is it all a show?” He asked this because in real life, he knew the difference. He had tried out many churches in his lifetime and had learned that some ministers were just theatrical speakers but did not necessarily know God. Some churches were proper and stale, but some were truly calling in the healing power of the Holy Spirit. He yearned to feel that kind of powerful experience again. 

He had been very spiritual most of my life, but in the last couple of years, he beamed with a renewed and strengthened connection to God’s presence. We had visited an Episcopal church at the beach together, where three faith healers called him forward, laid hands on him and prayed over him. After that, he was so filled with divine light that people would comment on how happy he was. 

He was only 77, but on the phone he would say, “Ariel, I don’t think I am going to live for much longer. But, I’ve had a really good life and I feel ready.” I did not try to reassure him or argue with him. The way he said it was like he knew, so I just listened, as I thought, “Woah.”

I’ll never forget one of my last visits home. I was visiting Dad’s woodworking and metal shop on top of a mountain with him. I took a break from doing my remote energy tuneups to go see what he was up to. I walked down the gravel road and saw him far below on his tractor, mowing a bright green field. Even though the bill of his hat was shielding his vision, he felt me watching and looked up. He grinned and waved his whole arm back and forth above his head like a man sending all the love in the world as he felt the bliss of being in nature. I stood there a long time watching him mow the field, feeling deep love, and knowing that this would be one of the last images I had of my father. 

On this anniversary, today, I remember how the emergency surgeons thought he would make it because his body was so strong, but my sister and I knew that he would die. I was on the other side of the country, but the very moment he died, I woke up and began singing. I sang for an hour, before I got my brother’s text that he had died, unexpectedly.

I went outside and lay in the grass under the giant locust tree and watched the sun beams break through massive white clouds in a glorious blue sky all day long. It’s like I was in a dream as Dad moved through the levels and into the heavenly realms. I could see the beginning of his journey, but he moved up through the stages so quickly, I could not track him for very long. I wondered, “Dad, what do you see? What does it feel like?” 

In my 27 years as an energy healer, I have witnessed a few deaths like Dad’s, where the person is already so immersed in Light here on earth, that their transition into the angelic realms is fast and powerful. I am always blown away as I watch how strong these kinds of people are when they exit. It’s like, they were always an Angel, but were just in disguise as a human. A team of large, bright Angels shows up to guide them across. As soon as the person’s spirit births out of their crown chakra, they join the Angels, and all turn away in unison, to shoot straight up through the realms of Light with a Woosh! As a healer and daughter, I was left standing there, once again amazed. 

Today, I give thanks for the miracle of life, as transient as it is.

I give thanks for the ability to embody the Light here on Earth. 

I give thanks for those of us who have gone before us, leading the way. 

This week, I ask that we receive expansive peace, love, and never-ending joy to carry us through this earth journey.

Feel the Light in the Wild Wonderful Wednesday Wave