About Ariel Hardy
Energy Healer
Ariel Hardy is a self-taught energy healer, working full-time in the field of energy work since 1997.
She has spent most of her life living a minimalist lifestyle with no television. She was born in California in 1968, but was raised in West Virginia where her family lived off of an acre sized garden and heated with wood.
In 2002, Ariel moved to Denver, Colorado to raise her daughters in a more progressive state and to reach more people with her energy healing work.
Now that her daughters are in their 20s, Ariel enjoys doing long distance energy tuneups instead of the longer sessions. You can learn about energy tuneups under the Work with Ariel tab.
Ariel is having a blast creating fun Instagram Reels and videos where she teaches all that she has learned as an energy healer for 27 years.
The rest of her time is spent walking her dog at the creek, working in the yard, and learning Ayurvedic cooking.
You can follow Ariel on IG @ariel.energyhealer.
"As a healer, my goal is to unclog every circuit, chakra, river and ring in your energy system until every current of light is activated within you.
Your system can then naturally pull the Light from Source down into itself. I know that your healing session is complete when I can see and feel that your body is floating within your own magical world of light within the world."
— Ariel Hardy